I am attempting to create a complete bibliography of Spike Milligans written works.

The Beginning

In 1957 Spike Milligan received a letter from publisher Dennis Dobson asking if he had ever thought about writing a book. When Spike got in touch with Dobson the only things he had written of any length were the Goon show scripts. The publisher thought they would be difficult to publish. Spike had written poems for his children on scraps of paper and they proved to be the genesis of his first book, Silly Verse for Kids. The book was published before Christmas in 1959 and was immediately reprinted.

Thus began a long career of writing and publishing books. What follows here is an illustrated and annotated list or bibliography of Spike Milligan's published works, well, actually many lists. The primary list is of his commercial publications but also there is a list of his limited editions.

Spike's Bibliography

About all this website

Other Lists

Spike's many private limited publications were of poetry and with a small print run. Full details of these limited editions are listed separately: an account of how they came about is included with the list.

There is a third list, a list of books written about Milligan and about the Goons. A fourth list is of books Spike wrote an introduction/preface or foreword for, another lists books that include some of Spike's work. The latter two lists are not exhaustive.

Spike's Limited Editions

Books on Spike

